8 Social Selling Tactics to Help You Close Deals Faster

by | Apr 8, 2023 | Sales Article

Social Selling Tactics

As a seasoned sales professional, you understand that the key to success lies in the ability to connect with your customers. And with the emergence of social media, it has never been easier to bridge the gap between you and your customers with social selling.

In today’s competitive sales landscape, social selling has become an essential tool that separates the best from the rest. In fact, 61% of organizations engaged in social selling report revenue growth. But it’s not as simple as just setting up a profile and sharing some posts. It requires a delicate blend of science and art that helps to nurture your leads and shorten the sales cycle.

When done right, social selling can be a game-changer that provides insights into why people buy and how to meet them when they are most receptive. In this article, we’ll cover the top social selling tactics that will help you close deals faster.

What Is Social Selling?

Social selling is the practice of using social media platforms, like Instagram or LinkedIn, to engage with potential customers and promote products or services. It relies on building relationships with prospects by providing them with helpful information, insights, and advice rather than simply pushing products or services on them. The goal of social selling is to establish a connection with prospects, build trust, and ultimately convert them into customers.

Many sales teams are now leveraging social media as a powerful tool to gain insights into their target market, reach out to prospects, qualify leads, and build relationships.

What Are The Benefits Of Social Selling?

Social selling is the process of building relationships with potential customers through various social media channels to help companies increase sales. In recent years, social selling has become more prevalent and important for businesses to stay competitive. Here are some benefits of social selling:

Building Trust and Credibility

Through social media channels, salespeople have the ability to build a relationship with potential customers before actually pitching a product. This allows for the development of trust and credibility, which can increase the chances of a sale. For example, by providing valuable content and insights, salespeople can show prospects that they understand their pain points and offer solutions.

Targeted Outreach

Social selling allows for the identification and targeting of specific prospects or groups of prospects through the use of hashtags, group memberships, and searches. This ensures that time and effort are focused on potential customers who are more likely to convert. For example, a salesperson can search for people who have recently discussed their need for a certain product or service and then reach out to them with an offer.

Improved Customer Insights

Through social selling, sales reps have the ability to gain deeper insights into their target customers. By monitoring their social media activity, salespeople can learn about their interests, needs, and pain points, which can help guide the sales process and improve the chances of a successful sale.

For example, salespeople can use customer data from a variety of sources, such as LinkedIn profiles or Twitter feeds, to build a comprehensive customer profile. This information can then be used to tailor the sales message and make it more relevant.

You are your own brand

Increased Brand Awareness

Social selling can contribute to increasing brand awareness through positive interactions with potential customers. This can be achieved through engaging content, sharing valuable insights, and building a positive brand image. For example, by providing helpful content, salespeople can position themselves as thought leaders in their industry and attract more potential customers.


Social selling is a cost-effective sales strategy, as it does not require a large upfront investment. Social media channels are free to use, and social selling efforts require fewer financial resources compared to traditional sales methods. For example, salespeople can use social media channels to reach out to prospects and build relationships without having to pay for advertising.

Sales Pipeline Acceleration

Social selling can accelerate the sales pipeline by allowing sales reps to engage potential customers earlier in the buying process. By building trust and credibility through social media, sales reps can move potential customers further down the sales funnel faster.

For example, through social selling, sales reps can pre-qualify leads before they are passed on to other departments, such as marketing or customer service. This allows for a more efficient and effective sales process.

Increased Customer Loyalty

Social selling can help to build long-lasting relationships with customers. By investing time and effort into building relationships with customers, sales reps can foster customer loyalty, repeat business, and referrals. For example, taking the time to like, comment, and share customers’ posts can show them that they are valued and appreciated. This can lead to increased customer loyalty in the long term.

8 Top Social Selling Techniques You Need To Know About

Now that we’ve covered the advantages of social selling let’s take a look at some of the top social selling techniques that can help you maximize your success.

Create Value Before Pushing A Sale

One key principle of social selling is to create value before pushing for a sale. This means that before trying to sell a product or service, businesses should focus on building relationships and establishing trust with their target audience.

Creating value can take many forms. It might mean sharing helpful tips and advice, offering free resources or tools, or providing educational content that addresses common pain points or challenges. By focusing on providing value first, businesses are able to build a relationship with potential customers and establish themselves as trusted experts in their field.

Once this relationship has been established, businesses can then begin to offer their products or services in a way that feels natural and non-intrusive. This approach can be highly effective, both in terms of building long-term customer relationships and driving sales. By prioritizing value and relationships over sales, businesses can build a loyal customer base that will continue to support them for years to come.

Focus On Building Relationships

Another key principle of social selling is to focus on building relationships. Relationships are essential when it comes to sales, as they allow businesses to establish trust and credibility with their target audience. This can be achieved through engaging content and conversations, personalized messages, or by providing helpful resources that meet customer needs.

By investing time and effort into building relationships, businesses can create a more meaningful connection with their target audience. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and higher sales in the long term. For example, businesses can create personalized messages that address individual customer needs, or they could use data-driven insights to tailor their content to specific customers.

Stay Consistent When Posting

By posting regularly, social sellers can keep their audience engaged and increase their reach, ultimately leading to greater brand recognition and more leads. Posting consistently also helps to establish trust and credibility. When social sellers make a habit of posting reliable, valuable content, they show that they are dedicated to providing value to their audience. This can lead to increased engagement and, ultimately, more sales.

However, it is important to strike a balance between posting frequently and overwhelming your audience. Social sellers should focus on quality over quantity, taking the time to create high-quality content that is personalized to their audience’s needs.

One effective strategy for staying consistent when posting is to create a content calendar, mapping out a schedule for each week or month. This ensures that social sellers are posting regularly without sacrificing quality or overwhelming their audience.

Research Before Reaching Out

While it may be tempting to jump right into sales mode, social sellers should always take the time to research their target audience before reaching out. This helps them better understand customer needs and tailor their messages accordingly.

Social sellers can use tools such as analytics dashboards or keyword research to get a better understanding of what their audience is looking for. They can also use data-driven insights to gain a better understanding of their customer demographics and create more targeted campaigns.

You can also take time to get to know potential customers by engaging with them on social media or joining relevant conversations on forums. By doing this, social sellers can gain valuable insights into customer needs and preferences that they can use to tailor their messaging.

Engage With Prospects On A Regular Basis

Social selling isn’t a one-time process – it’s an ongoing effort. To be successful, social sellers must remain engaged with prospects on a regular basis. This could include sending personalized messages, providing helpful resources, or joining conversations on relevant topics.

By engaging with prospects regularly, businesses can build trust and credibility, ultimately leading to more sales. Furthermore, social sellers can use data-driven insights to tailor their messages and ensure that they are providing value to prospects.

Be Responsive To Customer Inquiries

Social selling isn’t just about reaching out to prospects – it’s also about responding to customer inquiries. When customers reach out with questions or concerns, social sellers should always take the time to respond promptly and professionally. This helps demonstrate that businesses care about their customers and are committed to providing them with excellent service.

Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

Here are some quick tips on how to optimize your social media profiles:

  • Use a professional profile picture: It’s important to use a clear and professional-looking profile picture. Avoid using blurry or low-quality images.
  • Complete your bio: Make sure to fill out your bio with relevant information about yourself or your business. Use keywords related to your industry to help people find you.
  • Update your cover photo: Your cover photo is the first thing someone sees when they visit your profile, so make sure it’s visually appealing and relevant to your brand.
  • Use consistent branding: Your profile should have a consistent look and feel across all social media platforms. This includes using the same logo, colors, and graphics.
  • Include call-to-actions: Encourage your followers to take action by adding call-to-actions to your profile, such as “Visit our website” or “Join our email list”.

Create Targeted Ads

Social media advertising is an effective way to reach a large audience quickly. When creating ads, social sellers should always ensure that they are targeting the right people with the right messages.

They can use tools such as Facebook Ads Manager or Twitter Ads to create targeted campaigns. They can also leverage demographic data and other insights when crafting their message. By doing this, businesses can increase the effectiveness of their campaigns and ensure that they are reaching the right people.

Wrapping It Up

Social selling is a powerful and cost-effective sales strategy that can help businesses reach more potential customers, build relationships, increase customer loyalty, and accelerate the sales pipeline. By leveraging these top social selling techniques, businesses can get the most out of their social selling efforts and maximize their ROI.

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