How To E-mail A Recruiter: What You Need To Know

by | Nov 2, 2022 | Headhunting, Sales Interview

How To E-mail A Recruiter

Are you looking for a new job? If so, you might have found the process to be a bit overwhelming. Applying for jobs can be time-consuming, and it’s not always clear what the best way to go about it is. When you e-mail a recruiter, it can significantly help your job search and increase your chances of landing an interview.

The average time it takes back to hear from a job can range from 10 days to 10 weeks, so e-mailing a recruiter can give you a distinct advantage. This can be a great way to get your foot in the door at a company you’re interested in, but it’s important to do it the right way. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process step-by-step. We will also provide some tips on how to make your e-mail stand out from the rest. Let’s get started!

E-mail A Recruiter

Why Should You Write A Recruiter An E-mail?

If you’ve never considered writing an e-mail to a recruiter, you might be wondering why you should bother. After all, isn’t it their job to find candidates? While that is true, there are a few reasons why e-mailing a recruiter can be beneficial to your job search.

It Proves You’re Willing To Take Initiative

When you e-mail a recruiter, it shows that you are willing to take the initiative and put in the extra effort. In today’s job market, this can go a long way. Many employers are looking for candidates who are proactive and will take the initiative on projects. By e-mailing a recruiter, you are demonstrating that you have these qualities.

Helps You Stand Out From The Competition

In a competitive job market, it can be difficult to make your application stand out. When you e-mail a recruiter, you are increasing your chances of being noticed. It shows that you are interested in the company, feel confident enough to reach out, and are willing to go the extra mile. When it comes down to comparing two candidates, these qualities can make all the difference.

It Gives You The Opportunity To Build A Relationship

E-mailing a recruiter also gives you the opportunity to build a relationship with them. If they remember you from your e-mail and are impressed with what they see, they may be more likely to keep you in mind for future opportunities. Building a relationship with a recruiter can also come in handy if you ever need help or advice in the future.

You Have Something To Offer

One of the main reasons you should e-mail a recruiter is that you have something to offer. Whether it’s a unique skill set or experience, make sure to highlight what makes you the right candidate for the job. This will help your e-mail stand out and increase your chances of getting a response.

It Won’t Cost You Anything

Lastly, e-mailing a recruiter won’t cost you anything. It’s a quick and easy way to reach out, and you don’t have anything to lose. Even if you don’t hear back, you haven’t wasted any time or money.

What do you do

How To Create An E-mail To A Recruiter You Don’t Know

Now that we’ve gone over some of the reasons why e-mailing a recruiter can be beneficial let’s take a look at how to create an e-mail.

Start By Introducing Yourself

One of the most important things to do when e-mailing a recruiter is to introduce yourself. Start by telling them who you are and why you’re e-mailing them. If you have any mutual connections, be sure to mention them as well. This will help you establish a rapport and make your e-mail more personal. Try to avoid dry greetings or generic opening lines and instead focus on being genuine and friendly.

Get To The Point

Once you’ve introduced yourself, it’s time to get to the point. Recruiters are busy people, so make sure to get straight to the point. Tell them why you’re e-mailing them and what you’re looking for. If you have something specific to offer, be sure to mention it here. For example, are you applying for a specific job? Do you have a unique skill set that would be beneficial to the company? Keep your e-mail short and sweet, and avoid rambling.

Be Professional

It’s important to remember that e-mailing a recruiter is a professional interaction. This means you should avoid using slang or abbreviations and stick to proper grammar and punctuation. Take the time to proofread your e-mail before sending it, and make sure there are no typos or mistakes. You want to ensure you are putting your best foot forward, so take the time to create a well-written e-mail.

Make It Personalized

Sounding like a robot is one of the quickest ways to get your e-mail deleted. Instead of using a generic template, take the time to personalize your e-mail. This shows that you’ve put in the effort and makes it more likely that the recruiter will read it. Make sure to mention something specific about the company or the job you’re interested in. This will show that you’re knowledgeable and have done your research.

Call to Action

Include A Call-To-Action

End your e-mail with a call to action. This could be something like asking for an interview or requesting more information. Be specific in what you’re asking for, and make it easy for the recruiter to comply. Thank them for their time, and include your contact information so they can easily get in touch with you.

Send It!

Once you’ve followed all of these steps, you’re ready to send your e-mail. Start by addressing it to the specific recruiter you want to contact. If you don’t have their e-mail address, you can usually find it on the company website or by doing a simple Google search. Once you have their e-mail, hit send and wait for a response.

Sample E-mail To A Recruiter You Don’t Know

Hello (Recruiter’s name),

My name is _________, and I am interested in the ___________ position that you recently posted on ___________. I believe that my skills and qualifications make me the perfect candidate for this role, and I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my candidacy further with you.

In addition to my experience in ___________, I have also developed strong ___________ skills that I believe would be beneficial in this role. I am confident that I could be a valuable asset to your team, and I look forward to discussing the possibility of joining your company further.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


(Your name)

How To Write An E-mail To A Recruiter When You’re Applying For A Job

Another e-mail you might have to write is to a recruiter when you’re applying for a job. This can be either before or after you’ve applied through the company website. Here are a few ways to e-mail a recruiter when you’re job hunting.

Send An E-mail Instead Of Using Easy Apply

If a job posting says to e-mail your resume instead of using the “Easy Apply” feature, definitely e-mail your resume instead. The point of e-mail is that it gives you a chance to stand out and be more personal than just clicking a button. By taking the time to create a well-written e-mail, you’re more likely to get noticed by the recruiter.

Prove Your Worth

Take advantage of the e-mail format to really sell yourself and prove your worth. This is your chance to stand out from the other candidates, so don’t be afraid to toot your own horn. Mention any unique skills or experience you have that make you the perfect candidate for the job. If you have a high GPA or are proficient in multiple languages, be sure to mention that as well. You want to make it as easy as possible for the recruiter to see why you’re the best person for the job.

Customize Your E-mail

Similar to e-mailing a recruiter you don’t know, you’ll want to make sure your e-mail is personalized. This shows that you’re interested in the specific job and company and not just mass e-mailing everyone. Mention something you like about the company or why you’re excited about the opportunity. Ask questions about the position if necessary. For example, if you’re applying for a job at a startup, you might mention that you’re excited about the company’s innovative culture.

Don’t Overdo It

Lastly, don’t go overboard with your e-mail. You want to be professional and courteous, but you don’t want to come off as desperate or too eager. Thank the recruiter for their time, and express your excitement about the opportunity, but don’t go overboard. Remember not to send multiple e-mails or e-mail the recruiter more than once. This will only annoy them and decrease your chances of getting the job.

Sample E-mail To A Recruiter For A Job Position

Hello [Recruiter Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [position] job opening at [ company name ]. Based on my research and qualifications, I believe that I am the ideal candidate for this position.

Some of my key qualifications include the following:

-X years of experience in [ field ]

-Proven track record of success in [ area ]

-Strong communication and interpersonal skills

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications and experience with you further. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


[Your name]

When Should I Avoid Contacting A Recruiter?

There are a few situations when you should avoid e-mailing or contacting a recruiter. If any of the following apply to you, it’s probably best not to reach out.

You Don’t Meet The Basic Qualifications

If you don’t meet the basic qualifications for a position, it’s probably not worth your time to e-mail the recruiter. Even if you did get a job interview, you would be wasting both your time and the recruiter’s time.

When You’re Desperate

If you’re e-mailing a recruiter because you’re desperate for a job, it will come across in your e-mail. Employers can tell when you’re just looking for any job, and they’re not going to be interested in hiring you. If you’re e-mailing a recruiter because you need a job as soon as possible, it’s better to wait until you’re in a better position.

When You’ve Already Been Rejected

If you e-mail a recruiter after you’ve already been rejected for a job, it’s likely that they won’t respond. If you really want to e-mail them, make sure to mention that you understand you were not selected for the previous job but would like to be considered for other opportunities. There’s a chance they might be interested, but don’t get your hopes up.


E-mailing a recruiter can be a great way to get your foot in the door at a company. However, it’s essential to do it the right way. Make sure you personalize your e-mail, don’t e-mail multiple recruiters, and don’t e-mail them unless you meet the basic qualifications. By following these tips, you’ll be sure to make a good impression and increase your chances of getting the job.

If you’re looking for your next career move, contact us today at Sales Recruiters Denver, or browse through open jobs to find the position of your dreams! Sales Recruiters Denver is the top sales recruiting firm in Denver, Colorado. We specialize in placing top sales talent into great companies nationwide. If you are looking for a new sales opportunity, let’s connect today.